Tuesday 30 July 2013

Did you read the FAQ I recently put up in the presentation?

Will the tasks be difficult?
The tasks won't be too difficult if you put your heart into them and try your best. Both of us have been a part of a few modeling clubs and we know that we look forward to having our tasks, and hearing our criticisms.
Why did you make a modeling club?
We made it because we ourselves have been part of a few and they were a lot of fun, also I know stardoll can get quite boring so this is a way to spice it up a little.
Can I be a judge/manager?
You can be a guest judge if you win a series, so if you really want to be where we are you're going to have to work your way too it.
Where can I see my criticisms?
Critisms will only be given too the 20 chosen models, these critisms will be posted on our blog (modelinghaven.blogspot.co.uk) here you can see what we liked and what we didn't like
How do we get scored?We score you out of 10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest.
What do I even gain?
You gain experience, and someday might want to start your own club up. Modeling clubs have been here since the very start, but are vastly growing. You gain friends, and there is nothing wrong with healthy competition.
What happens if I miss a set?
If you miss set(task) then you will be eliminated. Unless you know you're not going to be able to do it and you've contacted us before hand then you will be eliminated.
What happens in eliminations?
Eliminations will happen the day after the task closes, in these we will choose who is least likely to do well and take them out of the compeition, so please always try your best. Once you've been eliminated you are able to try for the next series and also you are able to compete in weekly compeitions 

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