Monday 19 August 2013

Trauma: S1S4
Here is where it all gets harder; you’re going to be given a stereotype. This stereotype is going to have a background story that is opposite to how your character would usually behave.


WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO: You will be given your stereotype (e.g emo, nerd etc) when you have been assigned this you will have to take 1 or 2 pages in your album and come up with an outfit, makeup/hair and background to suit the stereotype AND their story. For example, if they are a girly girl do the outfit girly but if this girly girl has gone through something traumatic then the hair/makeup or background would have to show this OR THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
Alternate between hair/makeup, outfit and background showing the stereotype and their trauma

1.      Look at the stereotype you’ve been given
2.      Read the background story
3.      You will need, an outfit, a background and hair/makeup
4.      One thing must reflect the stereotype(for example if it’s emo, emo makeup/hair) but then look at your story and base something on it.
5.      Make it subtle, but make sure you’re reflecting both parts.
6.      This is a makeup, outfit AND background style.
7.      Be creative, but stay on task.
Something must indicate the stereotype AND the story

Here are stories:
Nerd: This girl has been taking performance enhancing drugs, she is using these to try and boost her intelligence. She has become addicted and it is damaging her health. They are no longer boosting her intelligence, they are damaging her system.
Girl next door: She went on a night out for the first time ever; she got too drunk and slept with someone. She is now pregnant and does not know what to do.
Gangster: She has managed to get into a university with a full scholarship, but is afraid what her gang will say about this.    She is worried they may hurt her/bully her/disown her.
Emo: She is an inspiring model, it is her dream. But the agency has disregarded her because of the scars on her wrists.
Queen Bee: Her father died and did not leave a will or any inheritance; she is having trouble keeping up with her popular image and cannot afford her convertible car or this seasons Gucci. She is afraid she will be left by her friends and become a no body.
Tomboy: Constantly bullied about the way she dresses, she tries to change herself into a girly girl by buying a whole new wardrobe and makeup. When the bullies find out she’s changed her whole look she gets bullied even more and gets teased her new nickname is ‘Drag queen’
Indie: Gets called old fashioned and boring, and people say her look is not modern at all. So she dyes her hair purple and calls herself by a different name trying to modernize herself but soon becomes upset that she has done it
Druggy: She has never actually taken drugs, she is an inspiring dancer and has been a drug mule for years trying to raise money to get lessons and pay tuition into a dance school. But she gets caught by the police carrying drugs and is now on a serious drug trial.

Skater: Always teased about her gender because it is a male sport, she is determined to get sponsored by a big company and compete and in big competitions. She gets a spot in a small but important competition but in warm up falls and breaks an ankle 

Who you are assigned too:
HeavenStarz: Nerd
Icebabe1: Tomboy
Cupcakeloverxx5: Queen Bee
BritneySongzz:  Skater
Sweetkhan: Druggy
Georgengigi115: Gangster
AmongTheRoses: Emo
Kittenluver: Girl next door
Fab4taz: Indie

GOOD LUCK GIRLS! You will need it for this task.

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